Age of Empires 3 Free Download Direct Link


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Age of Empires III ( AOE III ) is a computer game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Game Studios . This game in the genre of real time strategy in North America was issued on 18 October 2005 and in Europe on November 5 the same year. Is the third part of the series Age of Empires and successor game Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings . The game shows the European colonization of North America, from 1500 . i 1850 . (the expansion of Age of Empires III: The War Chiefs events in the game are extended to 1876 ). It can be played with 8 of European civilization.

The game Age of Empires III is located mainly in the New World in the colonial era , roughly from 1492 . i 1850 . As in the previous game, players are expected to convert his people from an ordinary village into a large country, passing through the various “seasons” of technological development – from colonies across the fortress, industrial and imperial to imperial times ( Eng. Ages of Colony, Fortress, Industrial, Imperial ), and while defeat your opponent. There are two main branches of gameplay: the first is economic , which consists of upgrading various sources of raw materials and production of civilian units for their collection and the construction of new buildings, and the military , consisting of military units to fight the enemy. One skirmish game ( Eng. Skirmish ) play two or more players who compete in the development of better buildings and units in order to possibly overcome one another through fighting or forcing them to surrender. The player wins if his unit and the only remaining building on the map. The game also has other benefits; each player can have more types of troops, buildings or other economic or military bonuses that will help him in the game.

There are three game types: Campaign with a background story, individual match (a game in which one player plays against the computer) and network multiplayer game (in which the player can play against other players or play together against the computer).

Players can be networked using the Ensemble Studios Online (ESO) , via a local network or the Internet.

Age of Empires III offers a free account on ESO server. Similarly Blizardovom are, ESO allows matches in which players can correspond with each other. Each purchased copy of the game provides such a task. An interesting advantage of this game is that the player does not have to start the game from scratch or to visit a site to register the game.

At ESO, the player can establish a home city as well as in single-player mode and gain some military ranks after each victory. As the player wins the game gets more and more acts, until we reach the highest rank – Field Marshal. This system is based on the so-called nominal power ( Eng. Power Rating ): every activity in the game is rewarded with points, or win over players with better position brings more points. Similarly, points are lost if the player begins to lose more than you win and possibly lose his ranking.

The player can use the quick search ( Eng. Quick Search ), if you want to quickly engage in a game and you will get opponents with smaller or relatively higher or exactly the same rank.

Screenshots of Age of Empires 3

Age of Empires 3 System Requirements

Microsoft® Windows® XP.
PC with 1.4 Ghz equivalent or higher processor that supports SSE.
256 MB of system RAM.
2.0 GB available hard disk space.
32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive.
64 MB video card with HT&L.
Sound card with speakers or headphones.

Game Size = 1.6 GB

Game Rar Password =

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